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The youth accused in the Niharika case says, ‘I am not a rapist, I am ready to take a DNA test’

The youth accused in the Niharika case says

The youth accused in the Niharika case says, ‘I am not a rapist, I am ready to take a DNA test’ will be discussed here in details. Sonali Kumari Singh aka Niharika Rajput is currently undergoing treatment at the Maharajganj Teaching Hospital. After trying to self-immolate in front of Rashtrapati Bhavan last Friday, he was taken to the University Teaching Hospital for treatment.

She is still undergoing treatment in Maharajganj. Niharika has been protesting for a long time, demanding that the judge and the accused youth be punished, saying that the Dhanusha District Court acquitted the young man who ‘raped’ her and made her pregnant. She has also fasted at various times demanding justice saying that she has been wronged. Her main demand is to get the DNA test of the young man who ‘raped’ her and the child born alive.

When Niharika repeatedly raised the issue of DNA test, the accused youth also said that he is ready to undergo DNA test and if there is a DNA match, he will gladly adopt Niharika and the child. Talking to Ratopati for about an hour on Tuesday, the accused young man Shivraj Shrestha claimed that he was not a victim but a victim. He says that now he is rejected from all sides. He said that even when he went to work, he was not given work and Niharika repeatedly interrupted him even when he gave work.

He complained that now he is a rapist in the eyes of others and his personality development has stopped, he is also becoming mentally deranged and he is done with the company of bad people. A summary of Shivraj’s speech is presented here- Beginning of love with Sonali Kumari Singh.

Beginning of love with Sonali Kumari Singh About 4 years ago, I used to work in a mobile distributor in Janakpur. He met Sonali Kumari Singh (Niharika) while working at a mobile phone wholesaler that was still in use at that time. There were many employees in the mobile company where I worked, among them one of Sonali’s friends also worked there. Sonali used to come to meet that friend and that’s when I got to know her.

She was living in Kathmandu at that time and used to come to Janakpur from time to time. Her house was near Janakpur, but she often stayed in a friend’s room. Why didn’t you go home? Mother has passed away, father has brought the younger mother home. She used to say that the younger mother would not go home because she would get angry. I thought it would be.At that time, we used to meet, talk about love.

She used to say that she would stay in a friend’s room, I did not inquire much. She came to Janakpur from Kathmandu in October 2018. Our company’s mobile sales were high and I was busy because there were also offers on mobiles. At that time one day Sonali asked to have dinner together.
I said I will be late as I am busy. She said, “Dinner will be eaten in the evening.” I went for dinner around 8pm. At that time, I also called my sister to introduce my girlfriend.

We had dinner together that day and she went to her friend’s room. My sister and I went home. After that, our love grew stronger and when we were old enough, we got to the point of getting married. In the meantime, I had gone to Kathmandu in connection with the work of a mobile company. Even then, he met her. He lives by sharing a room with other friends.

He said that he is preparing for BHM is also wrong. When I talked about that, she replied that ‘it will happen as soon as I say where’. I didn’t ask him anything about it after that. She said that she is studying in Kathmandu, her father will send the necessary expenses. But I didn’t inquire much about it.

She used to come to Janakpur from time to time. At the same time, she came to Janakpur again in December 2018. Since it was New Year and Christmas time, mobile business was also good and we were also given some ‘incentive’ by the company. At that time I had extra money besides my regular income. If she wanted to come to Janakpur, she would ask me to book a flight ticket, when I had money, I used to book a ticket. At that time too, when she said that she wanted to come, I cut the ship ticket and sent it to her and she came to Janakpur.

Tension after seeing Manish’ name tattoo By the time we had physical contact, we were already in love with each other. Affection, jealousy, suspicion towards the person you love will happen. At the same time I saw a tattoo of the name ‘Manish’ on the back of his neck (just above his back). After seeing the tattoo written ‘Love Manish’, I felt very uncomfortable and asked about the tattoo.

After seeing the tattoo that said ‘Love Manish’, I felt very uncomfortable and asked about the tattoo. She said that Manish was her ex-boyfriend and she got a tattoo of his name during her love affair with him. She said that she loved her ex-boyfriend very much but he cheated on her. She also said that she will erase the said tattoo and make a tattoo of Shiva’s name.

I didn’t talk about it because it was her past, because after she talked about removing the tattoo, I didn’t think it was right to talk about it. But two days after that, some objectionable pictures were published from his Facebook ID. A picture of Niharika Rajput feeling loved with …. was published with the same person named Manish.

I asked her about it after putting up a photo of her being kissed by a person she once loved but broke up with. She replied ‘I still love him’. After that I felt that it is not right to continue loving her and I talked about separation. It was night time and she said she will sit and talk tomorrow.

We had a meeting the next day and had a fight about it. She said that she will not talk to Manish anymore and will not even meet him. But after I found out that he was drinking and smoking, I told him that I wanted to break up with him. She didn’t even want to break up with me and she also had a relationship with Manish. When I found out that he was in a double relationship, I wanted to break up with him and told him the same. … And Niharika attempted suicide.

I said that I will break the relationship with him because I did not find his bad habits and honesty in the relationship. At that time we were sitting near Gangasagar and talking in the evening. When I said that I was no longer in a relationship, then she threw herself into the Gangesagar. As the lake was deep and I did not know how to swim, I could not go for rescue. At first, he tried to save him, but no one came to rescue him. Then she swam herself and came out of the lake. Then I put on my jacket.

I took her to my friend’s room and came back thinking that I should not talk to her at that time. At that time, to prevent further damage, it means that I love him again.2.5 lakh demand to go to Thailand or Australia to remove the tattoo Then she came back to Kathmandu and I started working in Janakpur. She demanded 2.5 lakh rupees to remove the tattoo of Manish’s name. But I was a lower middle class person, a earner, so I didn’t have that much money.

I said ‘I don’t have the capacity to pay that much’. She repeatedly asked for money saying that she should go to Thailand or Australia to remove the tattoo and not to Nepal. Where could I give more money than I can afford! So I said I can’t give that much money.

Even though he repeatedly asked for money, when I could not give money, he met my mother and told me that your son has made me pregnant, I will come as a daughter-in-law, or give me 2.5 lakh rupees to remove the tattoo. At that time, she said that she was only 17 years old. After that, my mother told me that I can’t have a baby now, get an abortion and remove the tattoo, and then I will bring her in as a daughter-in-law. But she has also twisted that thing.

He also detained my mother for a few days by filing a case against my mother. In particular, the beginning of this controversy is the tattoo of Manish’s name, Manish’s kissing photo posted on Facebook and after asking for 2.5 lakhs to remove the tattoo, it was not given. That’s why two families are under stress at the moment, the future of three people is getting dark.

About a month after our fight, she called from Kathmandu and told that she was pregnant. “I am becoming the mother of your child, come and take me,” she said. That matter is on January 10, 2076. I myself went to Kathmandu and took a pregnancy test at Kisht Hospital. At that time there was a report that she was 9 weeks pregnant. Then I got more stressed. Since we were not even married, having children was not possible from a social point of view.

That’s why I told her to get an abortion and get married later. But she did not agree and insisted on giving birth even though she was a virgin mother. Although he pressured me to marry him immediately, I was not in a position to marry him immediately. When she said that she would give birth to a child, I didn’t mind and I returned to Janakpur. After that she came to Janakpur and met my mother and demanded two and a half lakhs and forced her to enter the house.

Even fired from the job When she got pregnant, she started fighting with me every day. She started pressuring him to take her home as a wife. I said I can’t take her home, instead the child is not mine, let’s do a DNA test. At that time, she did not agree to undergo DNA test of the fetus. Instead, she came to the organization where I worked and started fighting every day. My company also fired me.And I became unemployed.

Discussed with the district police, made a fake ‘dai’ and brought the local youth In the meantime, she filed a complaint against me and mother at the District Police Office, Dhanusha. The police called us after she submitted a petition saying that women’s identity should be protected and their lives saved. His family members were also invited to the discussion. Instead of calling the police who is his father, mother, uncle, uncle, he keeps calling a boy from the market as ‘brother’. The police scolded the boy and Niharika and sent them back and asked them to come with their family next week.

Then, in the next discussion, she asked to bring her father. But when his father refused to come, the police went and brought his father. After that, his father said, “Because of this, we have been very humiliated, we have to come to the post again and again” and said that he was no longer interested or worried. It seems that Ramesh Basnet was the SP at that time. And he found out that his mother had died and that his father had brought a younger wife was also a lie. His mother is dead.

The fact that he was sent to study in Kathmandu and that his father was paying the expenses is also a lie. She used to leave the house and walk only sometimes. We came to know about it only after his own father told the police office.

At the police office, she brought the staff of an organization called Orek and the staff of the Women’s Commission. Even then, I had brought up the matter of DNA test. But the women’s rights activist rejected my proposal saying, “Why do you need a DNA test?” Now I don’t understand the reason behind him talking about DNA test.

After his father scolded him in the discussion at the district police office, we all went our separate ways. After 10-15 days, he again submitted an application to the district police office, demanding his rights. After that, there was a discussion and the dispute could not be resolved. After that, she filed a complaint of extortion against me at the district police office.

Absconded after complaint of extortion, remanded in custody after appearing When Niharika filed a rape complaint against me at the District Police Office, Dhanusha, I was forced to flee. After the court case, I came back and appeared in the court. The court sent me to prison for pre-trial detention.

I am not a rapist. After he filed a complaint of coercion against me, the court ordered to send me to prison for preliminary investigation, although it was not coercion. Both of us were old enough to have sex and we had mutual consent. So much so that she had made the appeal during the first sexual intercourse and I had not forced any force.

Now she is saying many things against me and my family. I was silent until today, now I have started to speak when I have to speak. He has made many accusations against my sister. My sister and him are not friends. Her age is older than mine, while my sister and I have a 4-year age gap. And how did my sister become his friend? Instead, I introduced my sister as my ‘girlfriend’.

She has started claiming that she was raped by giving her drugs, this is a new trick. The first thing is that both of us have accepted that we are in love. Even when I gave a statement in the district court, I said that I did not force her and I never forced her. I also had to be explained on the basis of which law the consensual physical contact during a love relationship was forced.

Now that the other ways have been closed, she has accused her of raping her and making her pregnant by giving her drugs. And some activists are supporting it as seen by themselves. At least they could have cross-verified by meeting or talking to me. But all parties have started against me after listening to his fake talk.

If a woman cries, everything she said will be true and the man will be completely bad, bad and rapist? I don’t have anything to say if the ‘justice’ that he said was sought by showing spectacles on the streets and selling tears. What does it mean that he will get justice only if he considers me a rapist? Should the court force me to become a rapist to get justice? Will he get justice after I go to jail? When I went to jail, he said what is the basis for getting justice?

If the consensual relationship of love is to be considered as rape, then men will be imprisoned and women will become victims after shedding tears no matter how much crime they commit, what kind of law is this, what kind of society is this?

So the thing to understand is that I am not denying that he had sex when he was in a relationship. I did not make any threats to have sex. When I was in a relationship with him, I loved him dedicatedly, but he should look at himself once – what did I do, what didn’t I do? Therefore, I have nothing more to say if the sexual intercourse made by him by his own appeal is also rape. If not, I did not rape her, I am not a rapist.

I am ready for DNA test, I will gladly accept if there is a match I am surprised that now he is talking about DNA test from the street. I said this at the beginning. I asked for a DNA test, but at that time women’s rights activist and she rejected my offer. If she wants a DNA test, I am ready for that. If there is a match in the DNA test, I am ready to accept her and the child born from her.

But if there is no DNA matching, then what happens next should be decided beforehand. I don’t want to be in pain for the rest of my life. I also have the right to live, I have the right to move. But I could not get out. In the eyes of the world, I have been forcibly made a rapist. Who will compensate my social loss?

When I see his condition now, sometimes I feel sad for myself. When you see the pain he has suffered, sometimes you feel love. But seeing the pain he gave me, the harassment he gave me, the pressure he gave me to be declared a rapist makes me feel sad again. Now I am rejected even by my family. Sometimes I want to commit suicide. But I am under pressure to live to prove that I am not a rapist. I am instantly dead, no one has seen this.On the other hand, those who carry him are not able to understand why they are spreading so much false propaganda against me.

It would have been better if those who forced him to fast on the street would have provided him with counseling services and financial support. That little boy and his condition is becoming more and more critical. Now I have heard that even Karishma Manandhar has quit saying that he will not take responsibility. In the end, other actors also leave and his situation becomes more critical. So I wish him a good future.

The court acquitted the rape case Sonali Kumari Singh filed a complaint of extortion at District Police Office Dhanusha on 2nd Chait 2076 on 19th February 2076. In the complaint, she demanded that Shivraj Shrestha threaten her, raped her several times and forced her to be punished as she was pregnant by Karni.

Although the complaint was registered with the police on 2nd Chait, 2076, the defendant was absconding and could not be investigated, so the case was put on hold for some time. And, on 28 October 2077, a case was registered in the Dhanusha District Court with Shivraj Shrestha as a defendant in the crime of coercion. Then for the first time on Chait 22, 2077, he climbed Pesi. Defendant Shrestha, who was absconding earlier, also appeared in the court at that time and pleaded guilty.

On the same day, the court ordered Shivraj to be remanded in custody. And on the same day, i.e. on 11th August 2078, an order was also made to hear the witness. In that case, the petition dated November 29, 2078 was postponed by the plaintiff, while the petition dated January 6 and January 20 was postponed when the judge was on vacation. The payee list dated January 3, 2078 was adjourned without sitting, and on January 24, 2078, the case was decided and it was decided that the prosecution claim was not sufficient. And Shivraj Shrestha, who was made a rapist, was acquitted of the crime of rape.

District Judge Parashuram Bhattarai decided that the prosecution claim was not sufficient in the case of regular payee. In the judgment, it is mentioned in the judgment that the plaintiff herself accepted that they were in a love relationship, that they were living as husband and wife, that she had written a petition to maintain the relationship and that she could not leave her lover Shivraj Shrestha, that this was not forced.

In the judgment, it has been analyzed only in relation to whether the relationship was coercive rather than permanent, as “the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant and the case of the child born from the plaintiff will be addressed by separate legal treatment.” Since only the crime of rape was taken in the indictment, the court analyzed this case only in the castle of rape and acquitted the accused from the crime of rape.


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