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Let’s go for directly elected president and full proportional parliamentary elections: Yadav

Let's go for directly elected president and full proportional parliamentary elections

Let’s go for directly elected president and full proportional parliamentary elections: Yadav will be discussed here in details. President of the ruling Janata Samajwadi Party Nepal, Upendra Yadav, has pointed out the need for an executive presidential system for the country’s political stability. On Tuesday, at the opening program of the national meeting of JSPA Nepal’s fraternal organization Samajwadi Yuva Sangh Nepal in Janakpurdham, Yadav said that political instability has increased due to the current parliamentary system.

He said that there is no alternative to a directly elected presidential system to end political instability, to embark on the path of development and prosperity. President Yadav said, ‘under the present parliamentary system, the election system has become expensive, one cannot expect service from those who won the election by spending crores of rupees, so the election system has to be changed.’
He said that if the directly elected presidential system and fully proportional parliamentary elections are adopted, corruption will be controlled and it will help to get on the road to prosperity.

He made it clear that if the system of MPs becoming ministers ends, the expenditure on elections will be controlled by itself and corruption will also end. He mentioned that the irregularities of the constitution which was brought in haste are being exposed one after another. Chairman Yadav said that the constitution should be amended on the subject of federal restructuring and election system.

In the program, Chief Minister of Madhes Province Lal Babu Raut said that since the youth has been the main priority of Jaspa since the beginning, the Madhes government has moved forward in the field of education and employment of the youth. He claimed that in order to provide employment to the youth of Madhes in the province, the Provincial Civil Act, the Provincial Police Act, reservation on the basis of population and 50 percent reservation for women were also made.

President of the ruling Janata Samajwadi Party Nepal, Upendra Yadav, has pointed out the need for an executive presidential system for the country’s political stability. On Tuesday, at the opening program of the national meeting of JSPA Nepal’s fraternal organization Samajwadi Yuva Sangh Nepal in Janakpurdham, Yadav said that political instability has increased due to the current parliamentary system.

He said that there is no alternative to a directly elected presidential system to end political instability, to embark on the path of development and prosperity. President Yadav said, ‘under the present parliamentary system, the election system has become expensive, one cannot expect service from those who won the election by spending crores of rupees, so the election system has to be changed.’
He said that if the directly elected presidential system and fully proportional parliamentary elections are adopted, corruption will be controlled and it will help to get on the road to prosperity.

He made it clear that if the system of MPs becoming ministers ends, the expenditure on elections will be controlled by itself and corruption will also end. He mentioned that the irregularities of the constitution which was brought in haste are being exposed one after another. Chairman Yadav said that the constitution should be amended on the subject of federal restructuring and election system.

In the program, Chief Minister of Madhes Province Lal Babu Raut said that since the youth has been the main priority of Jaspa since the beginning, the Madhes government has moved forward in the field of education and employment of the youth. He claimed that in order to provide employment to the youth of Madhes in the province, the Provincial Civil Act, the Provincial Police Act, reservation on the basis of population and 50 percent reservation for women were also made.

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