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Commission’s proposal not to allow more than 25 people to participate in election campaigning

Commission’s proposal not to allow more than 25 people to participate in election campaigning will be discussed here in details. The Election Commission has proposed that more than 25 people should not be allowed to participate in election campaigning. Speaking about the discussion held with the political parties regarding the election code of conduct on Monday, Election Commission spokesperson Shaligram Sharma Paudel said that such a proposal has been put forward.

He said that it is proposed to bring in a code of conduct that only 25 people can go for campaigning in order to attract many voters in the election and on the basis of complaints that it is difficult for the MPs to fight the election. The commission also said that it is preparing to not include the election symbols of political parties that are not candidates in the election.

In response to a question by the media that the alliance was targeted on the issue of including the election symbol of only the political parties that took candidates in the election, spokesperson Paudel said that it is theoretically and practically wrong to keep the election symbol of the party that did not participate in the election.

He clarified that the Commission is of the opinion that the candidate of the party participating in the election should only keep the election symbols of that party, and that it was not intended to do so by targeting any party. Spokesman Paudel informed that all the political parties have received mixed suggestions regarding the code of conduct for elections. The commission has prepared to analyze all the suggestions of the political parties and publish them in the gazette.

The discussion was focused on three issues, one was the context of preparation for the upcoming elections, the discussion was on the issue of spending limits’, spokesperson Paudel said, ‘the election code of conduct 2079 has been discussed to amend the election code of conduct by taking advice and suggestions for the upcoming elections of various political parties. He said that mixed suggestions were received from political parties in the discussion and the Commission will consider and analyze all the suggestions and publish them in the gazette.

The Election Commissioner has welcomed the suggestions of all political parties and promised to include and publish the suggestions until they can be included. It is not the election commission that violates the code of conduct. It is the political parties and the candidates’, he said.Spokesperson Poudel informed that the commission proposed that up to 25 people should gather and spread the word that the election expenditure was too much and there was a problem in contesting the election even if there were candidates.
