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Ideas inciting violence against MCC are unacceptable : US

Ideas inciting violence against MCC are unacceptable will be discussed here. The United States has said it will not allow the MCC to incite violence. Announcing its position on the official Facebook page of the US Embassy in Kathmandu on Friday afternoon, the US said that any idea of ​​inciting violence or inciting violence on the issue of MCC is not acceptable.

The United States has made this statement public while there are street demonstrations all over Nepal regarding MCC. He spoke in support of the US Alliance for Democracy, but said that maintaining some independence was important for the United States.

“We strongly support freedom of speech and open debate based on facts. The same is true of MCC. Being able to express one’s views is an underlying theme of democracy and everyone should be free to express their views peacefully. But ideas of violence or incitement to violence are not acceptable, ”the official Facebook page of the US Embassy in Kathmandu said.

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