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A 15-year-old student at a Virginia school has been arrested for carrying a gun

A 15-year-old student at a Virginia school has been arrested for carrying a gun will be discussed here. A 15-year-old student at a school in Woodbridge, Virginia, has been arrested for carrying a gun. Police arrested the student last Thursday for allegedly bringing a gun to Garfield Field High School in Woodbridge.

According to police, the school’s resource officer was informed at 8:40 a.m. that a student may have kept a weapon.
After informing the security of the school, the student was found inside the school.

During the investigation, the accused refused to cooperate and he had to struggle for a while for the backpack. Finally, a gun was found inside the backpack. The student was taken into custody and the gun was seized, ABC 7 reported.

Police said that no one was injured even though he brought a gun. According to police, he never threatened other students or anything. He is currently being held at the Pabal Detention Center.

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