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A Separate Law is Required for the metropolis

A Separate Law is Required for the metropolis

A separate law is required for the metropolis will be discussed here with details. The conference of mayors of the metropolis held in Pokhara has issued a 7-point Pokhara manifesto. The participating mayors of the conference have demanded a separate law necessary for the metropolis.

He also accused the federal government of not helping in the waste management of the metropolis. Mayors of 6 metropolitan cities in the country have requested the federal government to create a separate law for metropolitan cities along with amending various existing federal laws including the Local Government Operation Act, 2074.

The mayors gathered in Pokhara complained that all small and big municipalities have to be governed by the same law and have decided to request the federal parliament to issue a separate law for the metropolitan corporation. “In order to further strengthen metropolitan governance, policy and planning management, development, construction and service delivery, we also request that the federal parliament issue a separate law for metropolitan cities along with the amendment of existing federal laws related to various subject areas including the Local Government Operation Act, 2074,” the mayor’s conference. It is said in the manifesto.

Mayor of Pokhara Metropolitan City, Dhanraj Acharya, while issuing a manifesto, said that there is a challenge in the waste management of the metropolis and said that the union government should take initiative for its management. Likewise, Mayor Acharya said that the determination to cooperate with the neighboring sub-metropolitan city, municipality and rural municipality was also presented in the meeting.

The manifesto mentions cooperation in the fields of green and inclusive infrastructure, good governance and development, financial investment, project design and implementation and service delivery. Mayor Acharya informed that the conclusion of the meeting was to coordinate to address the mutual questions, problems and challenges of the metropolis.

He said that the meeting discussed how to strengthen the internal work of the metropolis. He objected to the fact that even the budgets of small schemes were sent separately from the union government. Speaking at the meeting, Lalitpur Metropolitan Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan claimed that the local and federal governments could not work because of the Public Procurement Act.

He said that there is a need for changes in this Act. He narrated his experience of giving plans to low bidders in the Public Procurement Act and the Local Government Operation Act which made them uncomfortable. Mayor Maharjan of Lalitpur said that the rule of awarding contracts to contractors who can work for a small amount of money has encouraged poor work.

It is mentioned in the manifesto that the metropolis will cooperate with other government and state organs and bodies through mutual coordination and consultation. In the gathering, Lalitpur Metropolitan Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan and Bharatpur Metropolitan Mayor Renu Dahal, who had previously led the metropolis for five years, informed about the problems faced in the performance of the metropolis.

It has been agreed between the mayors to request the union government to pay attention to these issues. Mayors, deputy mayors and chief administrative officers of 6 metropolitan cities participated in the 2-day conference. The next conference will be held in Bharatpur.


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