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Chief Commissioner Thapalia’s request to increase confidence in the electoral system

Chief Commissioner Thapalia’s request to increase confidence in the electoral system will be discussed here in details. Chief Election Commissioner Dinesh Kumar Thapalia has said that the media should play a role in increasing the voter’s confidence in the electoral system and increasing public participation in voting. In the interaction program organized by the Commission on Sunday with the journalists covering the election issues regarding the elections of the House of Representatives and State Assembly members to be held at the same stage on the 4th of November, Chief Commissioner Thapalia asked for regular debate and communication about this as periodic elections are the vital part of democracy.

He said that according to the constitutional provisions, in the existing election system, the parties should nominate candidates and it should be established that they win and lose. Chief Commissioner Thapalia mentioned that the practice of wrongdoing is not suitable for clean, fair and fearless elections, stating that one must win anyway, and said that lessons will be learned in this election from some of the weaknesses seen in the last local level elections regarding voter list, invalid votes, ballot paper format etc.He clarified that an integrated information flow mechanism will be set up in the upcoming elections and the movement of vehicles will be made easier on the day of voting.

In the event attended by all the Election Commissioners and Secretaries of the Commission, journalists suggested that the system of information management and flow should be made more organized, integrated and faster, faster and more official. In the program, Joint Secretary and Spokesperson of the Commission, Shaligram Sharma Poudel, gave a presentation on the preparation and management of the election to be held on November 4, and communication expert Kiran Chapagain gave a presentation on false information, misinformation and the election.
