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Madi taking leaps in development

Madi taking leaps in development will be the discussed here in details.

For the development of Madi municipality, which is lagging behind due to Chitwan National Park, central schemes of Rs. Due to sufficient budget, the development of Madi area has taken leaps and bounds. Development is gaining momentum.

According to Thakur Dhakal, outgoing head of Madi Municipality, Rs. 180 million was allocated only for electrification in Madi. Most of the areas of Madi have been electrified. Until a few years ago, there was no campus for technical education in Madi. Recently, Diwakar Smriti Multi-Technical School has been established to be recognized by CITIVT. According to Dhakal, the school was established with a budget of Rs 10 crore. Currently, agriculture, health and engineering subjects are being studied here.

Magui, Pasre, Chandre, Bandarmudhe and Chitai rivers were eroded by the floods that occurred on 27th, 28th and 29th of 2074. Residents of Madi municipality-4, 5, 6 and 7 wards have benefited after the allocation of Rs. For the construction of Hulaki road from Parui in Madi to Riukhola, Rs 52 crore has been allocated and the work has progressed. According to Dhakal, a road with a length of 7.8 kilometers and a width of 7.5 meters is being built.

The construction of the bridges of Chitai, Ratni and Bhalukhola, which were washed away by the floods of 2074, is in the final stage. The bridge of Ratnikhola is being inaugurated today and only a little work is left on Chitai and Bhalukhola. In the last financial year, tenders of Rs. 20 crore were invited for the control of Maroth, Chitai, Magui, Parui, Ramtakhola and the work has been progressed. According to Dhakal, the foundation stone of Tamtakhola control work is being laid today.

25 million rupees have been allocated under the constituency development road title allocated in last year’s budget and 10 km road is being paved through Baruwa-Bhairavpur-Chirauli-Shitalpur to Gagate river. Its foundation stone is also being laid today in Baruwa Bazar. Residents living around the inner roads of Madi will directly benefit from this.

By announcing Madi as Saharonmukh Nagar, bids have already been invited for the construction of 14 km road, Bandarmuhe Shanti Park and Martyr Park in Ward No. 2 in the last financial year. According to Dhakal, a budget of Rs 20 crore was allocated for these projects. Under the Janata Awas program, the local residents have got houses in various places, while the landless people have started getting land.

Bridges are being built on the river on the Hulaki road,” he said. The budget has been allocated for a detailed study report to proceed with the construction of the road from Thori to Bagai within the park, the road from Vanakatta to Dhruva and the construction of the bridge. Dhakal says that the construction of these roads and bridges will cost more than two billion rupees.

Similarly, Rs 2 crore for black paper in Madi-7, Rs 2 crore 85 lakh for electrification of Bandarjhula, Rs 2 crore 43 lakh for agriculture electrification in Madi, Rs 2 crore for Baghoda Hospital, Rs 1 crore 5 crore for Divakar Memorial Hospital, Rs 15 million for Public Welfare Hospital A budget of Rs 1 crore has been received from the federal government.

In the current financial year, a budget of Rs 200 million has been allocated for various projects of Madi through intensive urban development and building construction projects. He also informed that Rs 200 million has been allocated for the embankment of various rivers. This year, five deep borings and 18 shallow tables are also being built in Madi.

Chief of Madi Municipality, Tarakumari Kazi Mahato, mentioned that there is a lot of federal budget in Madi this year and said that if it can be implemented, the development of Madi will take a leap. He says that the problem is that the contractor company did not deliver the development works in the past on time. Since there is less budget at the local level, only a few development works are done. It is expected that with the increase of the federal budget, it will help to make Madi a beautiful city. Madi has a population of 35 thousand.
