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Balen’s action: Questions and answers with the owner of Alphabet in the morning, Dodger in the afternoon!

Balen’s action: Questions and answers with the owner of Alphabet in the morning, Dodger in the afternoon!

Under the leadership of Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balendra Shah, a dozer has been driven into the unauthorized structure of Alphabeta Complex in New Baneshwar. Earlier in the morning, Shah, who had reached the same place, met his daughter-in-law Dwiraj Sharma and answered questions. But Balen, who returned saying that the illegal structure will be demolished according to the rules, came back with a dozer on Thursday afternoon to demolish it.

When they reached for monitoring in the morning, it was found that Alphabeta had opened shutters in front of the building instead of the parking lot and allowed the pharmacy to operate. After seeing this, Balen asked Sharma for a map of the house. However, Sharma asked Balen on the contrary saying that it would be with Mahanagar. After that, Balen said sternly, “Should I have a map of your house?” Gharbeti sneered with the intention that the map would be with the municipality and that she had come to show the stand with the media. After that, 35 notices have not been given?

Some people even tried to remind Balen that the people’s representatives should not be impulsive after Balen’s fight. After Balen was found to be operating other businesses in the basement made for parking, he returned with instructions to remove it.

However, it was demolished with a dozer as it was not ready to be removed. The metropolis had already issued a 35-day notice after the structure built for one purpose was used for another purpose. After not removing it even for 35 days, the metropolis started removing the structure itself. Earlier on Wednesday, dozers were driven into unauthorized structures including Kathmandu Mall and RB Complex in New Road.
