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I Will Slap the Tongues of the Janajatis & Dalits Who are Protesting that the Chhetri Brahmins have Looted the Country

I Will Slap the Tongues of the Janajatis & Dalits Who are Protesting that the Chhetri Brahmins have Looted the Country will be discussed here. Google shows when Nepal was formed as 25th September 1768, USA shows 4th July 1776 (eight years after Nepal) and India shows 15th August 1947 (179 years later). Our country Nepal has a long history of 254 years.

Nepal should be richer and more developed than the US and India, but ironically, if you look at the list of developed countries (less developed country) in Google, the name of Nepal appears at number three. How did the country get into such a situation?

In 254 years, the Rana ruled Jahaniya for 104 years, in the remaining 150 years, the king and the parties ruled partially, but after 2046, the political parties ruled completely. In the last 33 years, 15-16 people have ruled the country by becoming the Prime Minister once, twice and sometimes five times.

What is the matter with the worldly rule of the Rana dynasty and the Rana was the Prime Minister but after the advent of democracy the Chhetri Brahmins remained the Prime Minister. Not to mention Marichman Shrestha, the Prime Minister of King Birendra during the Panchayat period.

Let’s do a factual calculation, is it because of the large population of Chhetri Brahmins? Certainly not, the Chhetris make up 16.59 per cent of the total population and the Brahmins 12.12 per cent. A total of 28-29 percent Kshatriya Brahmins have ruled over the remaining 71 percent of the people.

Is it just a coincidence? You know what The number of Magars is 7.12 per cent, Tharus 6.56 per cent, Tamangs 5.81 per cent, Newars 4.99 per cent, Kamis 4.75 per cent, Madhesis 12 per cent and Muslims 4.39 per cent. Other castes like Rai, Gurung, Sarki, Damai and others have 30 percent, non-Kshetri Brahmins have 70 percent but only 30 percent Kshetri Brahmins have ruled unilaterally.

I am not trying to provoke social harmony by talking about ethnicity here. I am not trying to say that all Brahmins and Chhetris are bad, they are good. Personally, my closest friends, friends who support and love me are Chhetri Brahmins. It is said that those who reached the policy maker of power, if they become the Prime Minister, they are from the Chhetri Brahmin community.

That is probably why Chhetri Bahun has been accused of looting the country. In fact, this allegation is not only a reality. For Obadi, for Prachanda, most of the Janajatis and Dalits sacrificed. For Oli, Makuneko and Deuba, they carried the same flag and walked around sweating blood day and night.

This is not a one time, not two times destiny. The constitution has given a huge provision of proportional representation. Haruwa and Charuwa Chheruwahs have come to power even though they did not get many seats directly by using this provision. Even if it is brought, the body of Janajati and Dalit will be changed in Nepal.

Rajendra Lingden is a courageous leader who has shown that all the former prime ministers and leaders standing in front of the Congress General Convention are thieves. His speech and behavior give the impression that this person is doing something. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys ….. Rajendra Lingden will bring back the fallen king .. Now you have removed one king Gyanendra and raised hundreds of new kings.

What was the king’s allowance and salary? The current calculation of the salaries, allowances, security expenses and corruption of the new kings cannot be calculated by the calculator. There is a king even now, with the removal of a Gyanendra king, Prachanda, Makune, KP, Jhalanath, Shebde, Bidhyadebi, Baburam and his brothers and sisters are all like a king.

We have repeatedly given these old leaders a chance for 33 years, some once, some twice, some up to five times, no matter how much the regime and power has changed, the face of the country has never changed. In other countries, we handed over power to the Maoists, who had been waging a 10-year people’s war, killing, violence, looting and inciting terror, but the Maoists also lost their temper.

Political parties, which have been beating the drums of development, are now fighting the election by forming alliances in every constituency as they cannot fight the election alone. How long will we keep handing over power to the same thief again and again? Until when The son of a janajati has come to build the country, carrying the bags of others for 33 years. Chhetri Brahmins have said that the country has been submerged.

Today, the son of a tribe has moved forward in history with the courage to change the country. Today, time has given us a golden historical opportunity to write our own destiny. Rajendra Lingden, son of Limbu from RPP, has come as the claimant of the Prime Minister.

The Janajatis and Dalits belonging to the Congress, Maoists and UML, no matter how much they have been looted, how much they have been oppressed, no matter how much they have been happy, have repeatedly voted for the same party and the same person for 33 years. But this time Rajendra Lingden will have to regret for the rest of his life that he did not learn to make history by voting once, perhaps such an opportunity will never come again in the future and we will always have to live as second and third class citizens.

Marichman Shrestha, a non-regional Brahmin, was a fearless prime minister. In the blockade of 1989, they faced India without bowing down. He would have remained in power even later if he had been divided like now. But ironically, he was presented to the Nepali people as a villain and he had to spend the last hours of his life in a humiliating manner.

Even though Chhoral Kulman Ghising, a tribal chief, was the head of the Electricity Authority, the people felt great change and relief. Janajatis and Dalits are more honest than others because they always have a big challenge to prove themselves.

We have been seeing Maoist leader Prachanda for life, Congress life president Sher Bahadur, Oli, Makune, these same leaders since the time of grandfather, they have been the prime minister again and again. They have failed miserably. So let’s give Rajendra Lingden a chance.

Such an opportunity does not always come, a country cannot be built just by cursing Chhetri Baun. When I have the opportunity to change the power in my hands, I will slam the tongues of the Janajatis and Dalits who are cursing the same Chhetri Brahmins for handing over power and then saying that the same Chhetri Brahmins have submerged the country. Beware!

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