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Actor Pushpa Celebrated his Birthday by Planting Trees

Actor Pushpa Celebrated his Birthday by Planting Trees

Actor Pushpa Celebrated his Birthday by Planting Trees will be discussed here. Today is actor Pushpa Khadka’s 31st birthday. He celebrated his birthday by planting a tree in the morning at Shankhamul in Kathmandu. After plantation, Pushpa reached Om Sairam temple. Where he arranged mass meals for poor and homeless people.

He said that due to the carbon emissions from industries and factories, the surface of the earth is getting warmer every year and the importance of tree plantation is increasing in the climate change. He has also urged everyone to start conservation of nature by planting trees. Along with acting, Pushpa is also interested in social service.

He does not hesitate to help people in trouble. Pushpa, who has acted in movies like Darpanchhaya-2, Mangalam, Maruni and others, has appeared in almost 2000 music videos. He won the National Award for Best Actor in the year 2074 for the film Mangalam.

Born in a simple family in Lamkichuha Municipality of Kailali, Pushpa said that he misses his parents on his birthday.

“I haven’t had the good fortune to give a birthday cake to my mother and father who gave birth, even this time I am here and my mother and father are in the village,” he said. I had never seen anyone cutting a cake in Saathibhai circle.

When I was studying in college, I saw my friends cut the cake. After finishing college, I came to Kathmandu to fight, that’s why I couldn’t celebrate my birthday by cutting a cake with my parents even though I wanted to. However, I feel blessed to always have their support, encouragement and blessings.’

Pushpa is cutting the birthday cake today with the ‘Krishna Leela’ film unit. Incidentally, today is the birthday of Deepak Oli, the director of ‘Krishna Leela’.

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