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Website Ranking System ‘Alexa’ Shut Down Forever

Website Ranking System 'Alexa' Shut Down Forever

Website ranking system ‘Alexa’ shut down forever wil be discussed here in details. Amazon has announced that Alexa, the world’s most popular website ranking system, will be permanently shut down. Amazon has stopped the service with effect from May 1. Even in Nepal, Alexa has been very famous for measuring the level of websites.

The trend of paying dollars to Alexa was also expressed by online media as well as brands to show themselves to be good at Alexa. Since Monday, Alexa has announced that the service has been discontinued and that it will not continue with the 25-year-old company. “After more than two decades of service, we are shutting down effective May 1, 2022,” the company said.

Founded in 1996, Alexa was bought by Amazon in 1999. Even some commercial areas in Nepal were making their advertising plans based on Alexa. After pulling the business on the basis of Alexa, the media used to show the fake rank by spending dollars to show the rank on Alexa.

Due to the competition of showing excellence in Alexa, some people even criticized it. Although the company has informed that the service has been stopped, it has not clarified the reason why it had to take the unpleasant decision.

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